Sadowski Sp. z o.o.
was established in 1990.
We specialize in carrying out projects, delivery and assembly,
launches and maintenance of devices and systems in:
In 1990 engineer Andrzej Sadowski founded a company specialized in designing, making and maintenance of refrigerating systems, air-conditioning, ventilation and industrial systems.
The core of our company consist of specialists, who have worked with the founder of Sadowski Sp z o.o. since the 70’s.
It’s Mr. Sadowski who in the 80’s started cooperating with investment capital tracing back to Denmark, Austria and Germany. Thanks to that cooperation and experiences the company, that is still holding to 40 years old business intercourses, has been launched.
The success of the company is dependent from people, who contribute to it, theirs knowledge, experience, passion and from people who, thanks to direct contact, entrusted us with task from which the outcome of theirs undertaking is dependent from.
Our Customers are people employed in big companies as well as those who decided on establishing their own businesses.
In all of their branches of business maintaining the continuity of production is most crucial.
Brewing as well as fish, milk, poultry, meat, fruit and vegetables processing requires efficient machines, appliances of different sort, that work together, all of which are crucial for the continuity of work of a production line.
For example: the process of designing refrigeration machines begins when we receive an offer and start it’s execution. We start gathering information from our future client and find solutions that will be the most optimal. After the contract is signed we start carrying out the project. We make an executive project that is then given to the chief fitter. After gathering all the elements our Workers begin the assembly process of devices, tanks, pipelines and valve stations. In accordance with the procedures resulting from the European Union Directive, we use an internal quality control. After that pipelines are provided with an cold insulation as needed. After performing the appropriate procedures, in accordance with agreements with the Client, we launch the machine. We sign the protocol. And…. We wait for a next offer from our pleased Client.
Our company is possible thanks to People that trusted us and are pleased with the cooperation.
Talking with young people, in order to encourage learning about refrigeration, we tell them about our job and its outcomes. When we start talking about the importance of our industry in food processing plants, we like to relate to refrigeration machines with screw and reciprocating compressors as hearts, without which those enormous organisms cannot function.
Particles, of which the refrigerant consist are pumped by compressors to condensers, that take away the heat of hot gases causing them to change into a liquid. Liquid refrigerant gets to the tank. Thanks to mechanically achieved pressure difference in the refrigerating system, the refrigerant goes to a second tank. By the time it gets there it’s cooled to the right temperature by the thermodynamic properties of ammonia and the decrease in pressure. In the pumping system liquid ammonia is pressed through ammonia pumps to the heat exchanger, evaporator, that is for example in a cooling tunnel. There it receives the heat of a product becoming once again a gas. The control of the process is also dependent on valves and cooling automation. The refrigerant is then drained to a container or directly sucked in by a compressor, that press it to a evaporative spray condenser.
Working in refrigerating and industrial systems business you have change the quality of life of the humanity, by for example allowing the storage of fruits and vegetables for a long period of time, but also by raising the quality of food.

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